Find out more about this station, and see more pictures, on Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons
The station building (May 2018) -
The station building and one of the subway entrances (May 2018) -
Entrance from the subway system (May 2018) -
The bridge to the island platform from the ticket hall (May 2018) -
The ticket hall from the compulsory-ticket side of the barriers (May 2018) -
Eastbound platform (May 2018) -
Westbound platform (May 2018) -
The way out from the eastbound platform (May 2018) -
Looking down to the platforms from the street (August 2014) -
The direct entrance (i.e. not via the subway system) (August 2014) -
The ticket hall (August 2014) -
Platforms (May 2011) -
The exit from the platforms (May 2011) -
Station building (May 2011)